Recreate favorite WWE moments or make your own ringside action with this 7" poseable action figure. With several points of articulation, cool accessories and crafted with Real Scan figure technology, the figure likeness is as close as you can possibly get to the real thing!For men's entertainment. Contains humor, cartoons and party jokes. Revealing interviews with celebrated personalities, special insights into the world of sports, politics, business, and the arts, tips on fashion, lifestyle, movies, books and music and photos of beautiful women.Torrie Wilson, one of wrestling's most beautiful divas sat down to conduct her first ever shoot interview! For the first time ever you will get a chance to understand the girl that lies beneath the makeup, glitz, and glamour as Torrie walked us through her entire career. Coming into wrestling from a background of fitness competitions and modeling, Torrie described what it took to be successful in those arenas and compared them to the grueling world of professional wrestling. Going straight into the WCW madhouse, Torrie was around all the big names and controversial events and was more than willing to share her thoughts on all of them. Vince Russo. Eric Bischoff. Hulk Hogan. Randy Savage. Scott Steiner. Kevin Nash. Ric Flair. David Flair. Eddie Guerrero. Shane Douglas. The names and stories come fast and furious. We asked Torrie about the rumors of Kimberley Page being jealous of other girls' success. Who helped her the most? What were the politics like? How hard was it being a women in such a testosterone filled workplace? How did her romance with Billy Kidman start? We also got Torrie's reactions to some of the crazy gimmick matches she was a part of, including being in a cage and on top of a scaffold.Playboy Magazine May 2003 Table of Contents COVER STORY Get ready for a body slam from Torrie Wilson. The WWE's grappling goddess is out of the Raw and into the buff. We asked Contributing Photographer Arny Freytag to challenge Torrie to a no-holds-barred match in our studio. Once you've seen her softer side, you'll agree that she saved her best moves for outside the ring. Our Rabbit gets a forearm shiver. FEATURES 64 THE CHINA SYNDROME 2003 A terrorist attack on New York's Indian Point nuclear power plant could poison 20 million people. So the facility must have fail-safe security, right? Wrong. BY RENE CHUN 76 HIGH-END SPIRITS Give your gold card a workout with the world's most expensive cocktails. BY RAY FOLEY 80 THE VELVET ROPE ORGY Group sex used to mean sweaty fat guys and greasy steam tables. Now it means superexclusive parties for beautiful people and bi-curious babes. Consider this your invitation. BY TANYA CORRIN 88 THE PERFECT GAME Our annual baseball preview swings for the fences with enough aces, extra bases and pennant races to make even a Yankees fan happy. Get your rotisserie tips now-or get roasted later. BY ALLEN ST. JOHN 121 CENTERFOLDS ON SEX: DAPHNEE LYNN DUPLAIX Daphnee likes her butt buffed-hey, it beats rubbing Buddha any day. 20Q JORJA FOX The star of TV's CSI wants to share a few things about the number one hit show-especially the disturbing smells. BY ROBERT CRANE INTERVIEW 57 BILLY BOB THORNTON PICTORIALS 70 A TRIBUTE TO HERB RITTS Photographing celebrities was his life. Photographing naked super-models was his mission for us. 94 PLAYMATE: LAURIE FETTER This Chicago-style beauty is one deep dish. 126 TORRIE WILSON Ms. Wilson gives us a Woodrow. NOTES AND NEWS 13 THE WORLD OF PLAYBOY 14 HEF'S HAPPY NEW YEAR The Rock, Christian Slater and Jon Favreau ring in 2003 at the Mansion. 159 PLAYMATE NEWS Our secret formula: Jay Leno, a hog and the Dahm triplets.