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- This poster is from Children of Huang Shi (2008)
Set in war-ravaged China during the late 1930s,
Huang Shi is based on true events. It's the story of a young Englishman, George Hogg (Rhys Meyers), who led sixty orphaned boys on a journey across the Liu Pan Shan mountains to safety on the edge of the Mongolian desert.
The Children of Huang Shi is a powerful, inspiring film about a real-life, outsider hero who emerged from Japan's catastrophic invasion of China in 1937. A British journalist, George Hogg (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) s! neaks into Nanjing at the height of Japan's destruction of that cosmopolitan city. Rescued from certain death by a suave rebel named Chen Hansheng (Chow Yun-Fat), Hogg goes deep into China's countryside in search of another front to the war. Instead of furthering his career, however, Hogg is talked into taking control of a destitute orphanage occupied by starving, lice-ridden, half-savage boys. A roving nurse, Lee Pearson (Radha Mitchell), keeps Hogg focused on his task, provides him with medical supplies, and ultimately becomes his lover. But the former reporter has to figure many things out on his own, including how to inspire the boys to help fend for themselves.
With the Japanese closing in on the orphanage and the Chinese looking at the boys as likely soldiers, Hogg, Pearson, and Hansheng lead the kids on an extraordinarily strenuous, 700-mile hike to Marco Polo's so-called Silk Road, leading to the Gobi Desert. The second half of The Children of Huang Shi ! is taken up by this sometimes deadly labor, and director Roger! Spottis woode balances the dreariness of it with knockout images of mountains and eerie, desert vistas. The multi-national cast is the best thing about the film, which avoids canonizing the saintly Hogg by not ignoring his sins of pride (he refers to the kids as "my boys" to the wrong Chinese authority, and pays the price) and jealousy. Chow's jaunty persona adds an essential swagger to this Schindler's List-like story, but it's Mitchell's gritty, soul-weary performance that really grabs one's attention. --Tom Keogh
Hephaestus Books represents a new publishing paradigm, allowing disparate content sources to be curated into cohesive, relevant, and informative books. To date, this content has been curated from Wikipedia articles and images under Creative Commons licensing, although as Hephaestus Books continues to increase in scope and dimension, more licensed and public domain content is being added. We believe books such as this represent a new and exciting lex! icon in the sharing of human knowledge. This particular book contains chapters focused on Films set in Jiangsu, and Nanking Massacre films.Hephaestus Books represents a new publishing paradigm, allowing disparate content sources to be curated into cohesive, relevant, and informative books. To date, this content has been curated from Wikipedia articles and images under Creative Commons licensing, although as Hephaestus Books continues to increase in scope and dimension, more licensed and public domain content is being added. We believe books such as this represent a new and exciting lexicon in the sharing of human knowledge. This particular book is a collaboration focused on Nanking Massacre films.Bron: Wikipedia. Pagina's: 33. Hoofdstukken: The Voyage that Shook the World, Bangkok Hilton, Mad Max, The Black Balloon, The Children of Huang Shi, Mad Max 2, Disgrace, Mary and Max, Babe, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Babe: Pig in the City, Dying Breed, The Phantom, Moulin Rouge! !, Alexandra's Project, The King's Speech, Crocodile Dundee, P! aradise Road, Australia, Crocodile Dundee II, Vinyan, De cup, Rogue, The Year of Living Dangerously, Jindabyne, The Jammed, Death Defying Acts, Dead Calm, Wolf Creek, Muriel's Wedding, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Black Water, The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, Aquamarine, The Pirate Movie, Candy, Gallipoli, Rabbit-Proof Fence, The Proposition, Thunderstruck, The Chain Reaction, Three to Tango, Komodo, Salute of the Jugger, Attack Force Z, Red Flag over Tibet, December Boys, Storm Warning, Dingo, Holy Smoke, The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, Swimming Upstream. Uittreksel: The Voyage that Shook the World (ook: Darwin: The Voyage that Shook the World) is een gedramatiseerde anti-evolutionaire documentaire uit 2009 van Creation Ministries International, een jongeaardecreationistische organisatie. Het is geproduceerd door Fathom Media. In de film worden de evolutietheorie, intelligent design en creationisme belicht. De titel van de film verwijst naar de reis met he! t schip de Beagle die Charles Darwin van 1831 tot 1836 maakte. De film werd uitgebracht ter gelegenheid van feit dat Charles Darwin 200 jaar geleden was geboren evenals het feit dat 150 jaar geleden zijn werk De oorsprong der soorten werd uitgebracht. Charles Darwin in 1816, op zevenjarige leeftijd. Reis van de Beagle.De film begint met een beschrijving van Charles Darwin als kind: Darwin was iemand die over alles vragen stelde evenals iemand die er van hield om grootse verhalen te bedenken en vertellen. Darwin werd geboren in een gelovig gezin. Zijn grootvader Erasmus Darwin en tijdgenoot Josiah Wedgwood worden genoemd als vrijdenkende rationalisten...Forrás: Wikipedia. Oldalak: 24. Fejezetek: Félelem nélkül, Tigris és sárkány, Secret, Confucius, Aranyvirág átka, The Warlords, The Children of Huang Shi, A tiltott királyság, Ocean Heaven, Initial D, Ellenséges vágyak, 2046, True Legend, Kung Fu Dunk, Old Boys, A repülÅ' tÅ'rök klánja, Shaolin templom, The So! rcerer and the White Snake, A karate kölyök, HÅ's, A pofonok! földje , Jackie Chan: A katona, The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate, The Battle of Dingjunshan, Shaolin harcművészete, A bosszú harcosa, Shaolin templom 2., The Knot, Sanghaji Filmkritikusok DÃja. Idézet: A Félelem nélkül (Huo Yuan Jia, egyszerűsÃtett kÃnai Ãrásmóddal: éå
ç"², magyaros átÃrással: Huo Jüan-csia, nemzetközi cÃme: Fearless illetve Jet Li's Fearless; alternatÃv magyar cÃm: A küzdelem útja) cÃmű kÃnai harcművészeti film Jet Li utolsó )filmjeként készült. A film ) életének egyes állomásait mutatja be, gyerekkorától egészen haláláig. A rendezÅ' Ronny Yu, a harckoreográfiát ) készÃtette, a zenét Umebajasi Sigeru szerezte, a film betétdalát a népszerű kÃnai popsztár, Jay Chou énekli. A film Jet Li ötlete alapján készült, aki a harcművészet lényegét összefoglaló alkotást szeretett volna létrehozni, mely a saját életfilozófiáját is közvetÃti. A filmet 2005 tavas! zán kezdték forgatni, a kilencvennapos munkálatok júliusban fejezÅ'dtek be. A film viszonylag kevés drótköteles rásegÃtést és CGI-effektet alkalmaz, mert a rendezÅ' eltökélt szándéka volt, hogy hagyja Li harcművészetét érvényesülni. Li ellenfelei a filmben valódi harcművészek és sportolók, Nakamura Sidó kivételével. ) minden vágya, hogy harcművészetet tanuljon hÃres harcművész édesapjától, ám a kisfiú asztmás, Ãgy szigorú apja nem engedi meg neki, helyette Ãrást kell tanulnia. A kisfiú azonban, miután apját legyÅ'zi a rivális iskola vezetÅ'je, elhatározza, hogy Å' lesz a környék legnagyobb harcosa és sosem fog veszÃteni. Ellopja apja harcművészetet oktató könyvét és megkéri legjobb barátját, hogy másolja le ...Hephaestus Books represents a new publishing paradigm, allowing disparate content sources to be curated into cohesive, relevant, and informative books. To date, this content has been curated from Wikipedi! a articles and images under Creative Commons licensing, althou! gh as He phaestus Books continues to increase in scope and dimension, more licensed and public domain content is being added. We believe books such as this represent a new and exciting lexicon in the sharing of human knowledge. This particular book contains chapters focused on Second Sino-Japanese War films, and Nanking Massacre films.MovieGoods has Amazon's largest selection of movie and TV show memorabilia, including posters, film cells and more: tens of thousands of items to choose from. We also offer a full selection of framed and laminated posters. Customer satisfaction is always guaranteed when you buy from MovieGoods on Amazon.